Sunday, November 26, 2006


I wash my hands of him(PAUPER) at the start. I cannot father the tales anymore. I make a few preliminary reservations, observe, as a guard on my own trust. I do possess a certain definite position in a small-small way,and for the bright name of the community that honours my existence with its kind approval, and for the sake and surity of life's posterity and mine, I cannot take chances I once did, nor foster any probabilities with the careless improvidence of the youth.

Having been honest to myself, and to whatever prospective olive branches life may be pleased to offer me, I can now afford to be generous. I do not criticize the tales told to me. If it is asked why, I can only add that judgment I have no dreams of my own. Long have I pondered and balanced, but never have my conclusions been twice the same! caz this Papuer is a greater man than I. If he have told truths, well and good; if untruths, still its good. For who shall prove ? or who disprove? I eliminate myself from that proposition, while those of little faith may do as I have done - go find the same Papuer, and argue to his face the various matters which, if future serves, I shall relate to.As to where he may be found? Dead in the a cinema's bin...

That he is there,somewhere, within that unclearly defined territory, I pledge the word of an honourable respectful man whose expectations entail straight speaking and right living.

Characters can be changed to make stories look more customized. But, truth has to found by 'STRAIGHT SPEAKING AND RIGHT LIVING'.


Anonymous said...

gud shit-work ... only ppl who know u can understand this... don't make such things public...:)

test Kapil Goyal said...

o girl!!! b a bit patient...

Anonymous said...

bahut smart ho gaya hai tu... I m patient but i need some-one to understand.. how only practical things work in life..